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Our Magnet Program

Berkley Magnet program offers exceptional opportunities for students to participate in rigorous inquiry-based and in-depth process oriented science studies that will equip them for success in Science, Math and Technology based disciplines.


Our students are encouraged to develop laboratory and critical thinking skills through hands-on and minds-on investigation and experimentation processes in various science courses. Also, Math and Computer studies are incorporated in the curriculum approach to promote students' critical thinking and problem solving skills while presenting Berkley's multi-disciplinary curriculum framework.


Our students participate in an annual week-long Science fair and bi-annual challenging project based Science competition in collaboration with our international faculty. The MAD Science Project and Science Jamboree are examples of Berkley's project based learning.


Though all students participate in the elementary Science Magnet Program, in the future students will have to meet specific grade based requirements by participating in a standardized Math and Science sub-test and scoring in the advanced level in the school grade specific summative assessments.


Our teachers participate in on-going professional development to extend their natural curiosity for the art and science of teaching.

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