Our students taking on diverse skills in becoming entrepreneurs and global citizens.
Our students taking on diverse skills in becoming entrepreneurs and global citizens.
The Berkley Business School
It's no longer news that the future belongs to creative entrepreneurs. The question now is, ‘At what point do we start developing this skill? This question has been answered by the emergence of several young entrepreneurs one of which is Jack Bonneau. He started a lemonade stand when he was 8 years old so that he could buy a $400 Lego Death Star kit. In just twelve weeks, he made $900 after expenses, so he was able to get his Lego kit.
The Berkley Business School, launched in the 2017/2018 academic session has changed the landmark and programme of the Academy for good. It was birthed with the objective of
promoting quality technical/vocational skill training for the Berkley student.
graduating students who are employable after the sixth grade.
Starting from 10.00 am to 12 noon every Friday, the school becomes a hub of business activities for two uninterrupted hours, with all the students from the various grades participating in the following:
Grade 1: Arts and Craft
Grade 2: Knitting and Beading
Grade 3: Interior Design and Decoration
Grade 4: Leatherworks
Grade 5: Fashion and Tailoring
Grade 6: Culinary